Julien Magnien · ·
Last updated Mar 19, 2024 - 10:47 AM Visible also to unregistered users

April 4, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)

_DED presents a paradigm shift in metal AM, enabling the creation and repair of complex and high-performance components with unmatched precision and flexibility. This innovative technique leverages focused energy sources such as laser, electric arc, or electron beam to change the way medium to large components are designed and manufactured. Aligned with the green transition and the circularity concept prioritized by the European Commission (EC), DED technology has been rising as a fundamental tool to positively change the aerospace and energy sectors scenarios primarily. In this ITT brought by AMABLE Community, you will have the chance to listen and interact with AM specialists from two active companies on DED advances. Come and see what CiTD and Prima Additive have to tell you. So, Are you DED?_ ![](https://community.amable.eu/file/file/download?guid=2d02f1e3-d248-406b-8d32-94dc3c5300ff "image.png")![](https://community.amable.eu/file/file/download?guid=8843f128-5021-4f18-b1fa-29a7bbe24aec "image.png") Join us on 4th of April 2024 at 9AM CET by registering to the following link : [https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1662871037187417182](https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1662871037187417182) **AGENDA** **9:00-9:05** Welcome and Introduction to AMABLE Community **9:05-9:30** Design engineering and process simulation to foster AM in aerospace (**Lidia Hernández**, Head of Additive Manufacturing, CITD) **9:30-9:55** Innovative applications and new business opportunities in DED technology (**John Stavridis**, Applications Manager & Business Development, Prima Additive) **9:55-10:00** Q&A
5 Attending · 2 Undecided · 0 Declined · 103 Invited